Upcoming Youth Events

Post date: Oct 22, 2014 12:14:42 PM

Wednesday, Oct. 22: Junior Class will serve as ministers at the 6:30 pm Mass. Please be at the church

no later than 6:15. Remember to be dressed appropriately for Church.

Wednesday, Oct. 29: Trunk or Treat -- There will be a Hotdog Supper for our youth beginning at 6:00

pm. All high school students are asked to decorate their vehicles and have snacks or candy to give away.

There will be a prize for the best costume and vehicle. Each family is asked to bring a bag of candy to the

CCD Office, if possible, by Oct. 22, or you can bring it when you come to the Hotdog Supper.

Friday, Nov. 7: Huddle-Up will be held after the football game. Kids, drop off a 2-liter bottle of a favorite

drink and a snack or chips at the Brethren Church prior to the football game. More details will follow.

Saturday, Nov. 8: Soup Kitchen -- Youth Group members will be serving a meal at the Wesley Soup

Kitchen, 301 W. 18th St. There will be two shifts open for workers: 9-11 am and 11am -1pm. We will

need at least 8 members on each shift. Youth group members participating will need to bring 2 dozen

cookies/snacks. If you can’t work and would like to send a dessert, you may do so. Please e-mail christine.

wilde@wallisd.net to sign up for a work shift and/or bring a dessert. Reminder: If you have not

visited the St. Ambrose Youth Group Facebook page lately, please do and “like” it so you can receive

news feeds.